There is one golf writers’ trip where you earn your stripes on a yearly basis and it starts Sunday, June 5! The Golf the High Sierra is a yearly pilgrimage made by writers from around the country to tackle the entire High Sierra region in one short – and at times very long – week.
Under the guidance of PR guru and legend to golf writers around the country, Phil Weidinger – or Dinger as he is known by the writers – the trip will test your stamina and inner strength. I always thought it was tough when I was 40 and now I am taking it on yet again at the age of 55.
I can almost hear you snicker, “Really he is complaining about playing golf for a week at some world class courses, eating and drinking at some wonderful establishments and staying in top rate lodging properties?”
Please, indulge me for a moment while I lay out my schedule for the week. Perhaps then I can draw a tear of sympathy. Each day of the trip, I will provide an update from the road as I get the chance to spend some with golf writers from around the country, some of who have become good friends over the years
Sunday (6/5): Drive from Pleasanton to Reno, skip Sunday round of golf. Played Sunday last year and paid for it later in the week. Opening night reception at Montreux at 7:30 p.m.

Monday (6/6): Up early in Reno as first tee time is 8:25 a.m. at Genoa Lakes. Drive back to Carson City for 2 p.m. tee time at the incredible Clear Creek golf course. Dinner at Clear Creek after round. Drive back to Minden for lodging at the wonderful Carson Valley Inn. Okay, that was 36 holes of golf!
(Tuesday (6/7): A little sleep-in time today as we don’t need to be at Edgewood in South Lake Tahoe – a short jaunt over the Kingsbury Grade – until 12:30 p.m., but then again, last year there was a traveling bar set up on the beach by two crazy guys from Chicago and, well, they are on the trip again this year, so maybe we get there early? Following the American Century press conference, we take on Edgewood, always a favorite. This always is one the highlights as Edgewood is arguably my favorite course. After golf there is always a great dinner and then after dinner shenanigans. Did you know Nevada never closes??
Wednesday (6/8): Not the worst wake up time as I have a 1 p.m. tee time at Schaffer’s Mill in Truckee. But this is probably the worst drive of the week as the South Shore to North Shore trip can be bad in the summer. There always seems to be some sort of construction, leaving you wondering how much time to allow for the trip. After golf there is a reception followed by dinner in wonderful downtown Truckee. This is also the chance to catch as your breath as we stay two nights in the same place – very much needed.

Thursday (6/9): Time to get a lesson at the Old Greenwood Golf Academy at 10 a.m. followed by a 2:30 tee time to play the course. Then dinner and back to the same hotel.
Friday (6/10): Relaxation over as it is up early and off to Whitehawk Ranch in the Graeagle area for an 8:40 a.m. tee time. A second round is set for 2:30 p.m. at the Nakoma Golf Resort (formerly the beast known as the Dragon). Dinner and lodging at Nakoma follows.
Saturday (6/11): Time to crawl out of bed, head down the hill and get back to Pleasanton. If you were keeping score at home, that is 675 miles and seven rounds of golf in seven days, only once spending the night in the same place for two days! Remember to look for updates throughout the week!